Medical advances have vastly improved the survival of preterm-born infants. However, many children who were born prematurely encounter cognitive, emotional, and social difficulties as they mature. Adolescence is a particularly vulnerable period of development for many preterm born children as the challenges of shifting their social focus away from families and toward peers can be particularly challenging.

We are interested in studying how the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral aspects of this transition intersect with brain development in both term and preterm born adolescents with the long term goal of optimizing this process for all youth who experience challenges,.

Representative Publications

  • Fu et al (2022). Development of the mentalizing network Structures and Theory of Mind performance in extremely preterm Youth.  Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience in press March 2022 PMID: 35428893
  • Grannis et al  (2022). Multimodal Classification of Extremely Preterm and Term Adolescents Using the Fusiform Gyrus: A Machine Learning Approach. NeuroImage: Clinical, 103078. PMID: 35687994
  • Taylor et al (2023).  Quality of social relationships with parents and peers in adolescents born extremely preterm. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 44, 3, e218-e224,
  • Molloy et al (2022). The effect of extremely premature birth on adolescent brain network organization. Brain Connectivity, in press